Rasoul Sadeghian has over nine years of experience in design, control and construction of autonomous systems. He holds a MSc degree in Mechatronics Engineering. He is particularly experienced in electro-mechanical design of mobile robots and industrial systems; the use of advanced soft materials in construction of robots; design and implementation of machine learning algorithms, including deep learning, and robot control systems.
Rasoul obtained his MSc degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the Islamic Azad University of Qazvin, Iran, 2015. He holds a BSc in Applied Mathematics from Vali E Asr University, Iran, 2012.
He was a Research Fellow and Instructor at the Human and Robot Interaction Laboratory (TaarLab) of Tehran University, Iran, 2013-2018. He worked as a Senior Researcher of AI and Deep Learning at INGV Co., Italy, 2018-2019, prior to joining the Royal College of Art in October 2019.
Research projects
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Research interests
Soft Robotics, Deep Learning, Control
Current and recent projects
Rasoul Sadeghian works as senior research associate in robotics on Multi-Platform Inspection Maintenance & Repair In Extreme Environment (MIMRee).
Publications, exhibitions & other outcomes
”Design, Development and Control of a Three Flexible-Fingers Gripper Based On Hand Gesture”, The 6th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM), 2018, IEEE.
”Vision Based Control and Simulation of a Spherical Rolling Robot based on ROS and Gazebo”, 4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI-2017), IEEE, 2017.
”An Experimental Study on Vision based Controlling of a Spherical Rolling Robot”, 3rd Iranian Conference in Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems(ICSPIS), IEEE, 2017.
”Control of a Four Mecanum wheeled Robot With a Soft-robotic Glove”, 4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation(KBEI), IEEE, 2017.
”An Experimental Study on Controlling and Obstacle Avoidance of a Four Mecanum Wheeled Robot”, The 5th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM), 2017, IEEE.
”Simulation, Control and Construction of a Four Mecanum-Wheeled robot”, 4th International Conference on Knowledge Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI-2017), IEEE, 2017.
”Controller tuning based on optimization algorithms of a novel spherical rolling robot.” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30.11 (2016): 5207-5216.
”An Experimental Study on the PID and Fuzzy-PID Controllers on a Designed Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Autonomous Robot”, The 4th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA), 2016.