Student wellbeing
Advice and information about living and studying in London, life at the College and support available for all students.
Counselling services
The Counselling Service offers consultations and short–term counselling (up to 6 sessions) to all students at the College. There is no charge for this service, which is confidential and works in accordance with the BACP professional ethical codes of practice.
Supporting faith and spirituality
Multi-Faith Space, RCA Kensington Campus
The RCA is committed to providing support for people practising any religion, belief, or faith, including those who do not. Stevens G30 in the Kensington Campus is reserved for all staff, students, and registered visitors to offer prayers or quiet contemplation, including meditation, for followers of all religious faiths and beliefs or none. A shower room is available in the basement of the Stevens building for ablutions.
Students may book the multi-faith room or invite guest speakers using the booking forms available on the Intranet.
Prayer Space, RCA White City Campus
A prayer space is available to staff and students in the Reading and Listening Room on the Second Floor, at the south end of the building (GH217).
The Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre at Imperial College
RCA staff and students have full access to the Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre team at Imperial College. They provide a range of support for all religious and philosophical worldviews.
The Chaplaincy offers faith-based welfare and pastoral support to staff and students. The Chaplain is also available to help with projects related to faith, bereavement, ritual, spirituality, places of worship, and access to nearby Muslim, Jewish, and multi-faith prayer rooms.
Contact the Chaplain for information about Imperial College London student faith societies, which RCA students are welcome to join.
How to contact the Chaplaincy at Imperial if you're an RCA student
To arrange a time for a conversation about projects or personal issues please get in touch with the College Chaplain, Andrew Wilson at
What and where is the Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre?
The Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre is at 15 Prince's Gardens, SW7 1NA. This is just along from Ethos – the Imperial Sports Centre. It is less than a 10-minute walk from RCA Kensington.
The Centre can be accessed by Imperial swipe cards from 10.30am to 7pm. Staff and students from RCA who wish to use the Chaplaincy Prayer and Meditation Room can apply for a guest swipe card (£5 refundable deposit). Either apply when attending the Centre or email the team (address below) to arrange a time to set this up.
For details on meditation and other events, and how to find us, please visit the Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre
Chaplaincy contact details
+44 (0)20 7594 9600
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 9.30am – 5pm