WEIRD ECOLOGIES considers methods to manage toxic spaces through (bio)remediation of toxic residuals. Devices latch onto existing infrastructural networks, encouraging the growth of both technical and ecological matter.
At a glance
- They aim to sense and engage with toxic environments, suggesting alternative forms of infrastructure that have ecological regeneration built within them.
- WEIRD ECOLOGIES is a research and design consultancy, working with companies that run and/or own infrastructural networks, to build ecological regeneration within nodes of damaged landscapes.
- They propose ecologically minded management strategies for toxic spaces, and work with infrastructural companies to implement them at points across their networks.
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The challenge
Alongside the implementation of climate based solutions, we also need methods to understand the territories where ecological degradation is at stake.
Our technologies, infrastructures and products reorganise matter, through the mining and synthesising of materials, which causes toxicity to accumulate in landscapes, animals, creatures, and people. Toxins, once free to flow through environments, change how biological systems communicate. Some toxins can hamper fertility, disrupt hormones, cross brain-blood barriers, or induce oxidation in cells. Toxic chemicals can be found everywhere, from the world’s most remote locations to everyday products. Some increase the risk of serious illness, some damage the environment and others do both.
WEIRD ECOLOGIES help communities and owners of existing infrastructural networks to manage toxicity better than traditional responses which usually is done via physical segregation by governmental groups ,which delivers regenerative ecological and social value.
Our solution
WEIRD ECOLOGIES innovates methods for communities to
manage their toxic environments through novel devices that aim to :
Returning damaged land, sea and air back to better health.
The devices will employ and encourage the growth of ecologies that manage to thrive within toxicity, in order to seek alternative methods of management through bioremediation .
A greater understanding of the infrastructural global networks, metabolic flows, and ecological entanglements at the citizen level, narrowing the gap between scientists and civilians.
The year-long research will end in the installation of a device prototype and a site of interest, with public events and discussions.
The project will have two focussed research projects on the ecologies of toxic spaces (Rosa Whiteley) and the politics of sensing (Nico Alexandroff), which will each inform the design of the architectural devices, choices of site, and engagement with local groups. The research projects will be presented in exhibitions, conferences and events throughout the initial project, and beyond.