Charlotte Jarvis (UK) is an artist working at the intersection of art and science.
Charlotte’s practice often utilizes living cells and DNA: she has grown her own tumor, recorded music onto DNA and seen her heart beat outside her body. Charlotte has exhibited her work in twelve international solo shows and over one hundred group exhibitions in spaces such as the Victoria & Albert Museum in the UK, Kapelica Gallery in Slovenia, Guangdong Museum of Art in China and at The Venice Biennale in Italy. Charlotte has been resident artist at the European Bioinformatics Institute, The Netherlands Proteomics Centre and the Hubrecht Institute. She has won the Netherlands Bioart and Design Award, The Alternate Realities commission in the UK, the EMAP residency at ARS Electronica and been peer-review published in Leonardo Journal. Charlotte’s work is currently on permeant display at the MIT Museum in Boston Massachusetts and at the ARS Electronica Centre in Linz.
Charlotte graduated from Edinburgh College of Art and the University of Edinburgh in 2007, and from her MA in Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art in 2011. Charlotte has taught at undergraduate and postgraduate level for over a decade at multiple institutions including The University of Goldsmiths, Imperial College London and the Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing. Charlotte is currently a research lecturer at the Royal College of Art and resident artist at IBYME supported by seed funding from the British Council.
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Awards & grants
2013: The Artists and Designers for Genomics Award for Ergo Sum, created with the Netherlands Proteomics Centre.
External collaborations
For the past three years Charlotte has been collaborating with Professor Nick Goldman at The European Bioinformatics Institute and The Kreutzer Quartet. Music of the Spheres utilises recent bioinformatics technology to encode a new musical recording into DNA. The DNA has been suspended in soap solution and used to blow bubbles. The project was launched at 'ARS Electronica' 2013 with a sample recording distributed in the form of bubble bottles at the 'TOTAL RECALL' symposium. It later went on to tour the UK in a number of solo shows including an installation and live performance at Dilston Grove (CGP London).