Revitalise and experiment without professional constraint
Experience the RCA’s studio-based learning philosophy with leading experts Adrian Shaughnessy, Astrid Stavro and Professor Andrzej Klimowski, live online starting in May, June and July.
Aimed at professionals and students seeking an opportunity to experiment with new channels and new platforms in an environment catered towards personal exploration, re-appraisal and revitalisation of your current practice.
“The course leaders were simply amazing, elite designers with a super positive mindset”
Graphic Designer and 2021 Short Course Participant
Editorial Design
Tutors: Adrian Shaughnessy and Astrid Stavro

This live online short course is designed to give an expanded view of editorial design in an open and experimental environment, under the expert guidance of RCA tutors Adrian Shaughnessy and Astrid Stavro.
Editorial design is defined as the presentation of text and image in a coherent and relevant manner regardless of subject matter and making use of physical and virtual platforms.
Amongst other things, participants will work on an individual project brief that develops their personal and professional skills, and which helps them to re-evaluate their working methodologies and consider ways in which they can improve and expand their capabilities.
Participants are encouraged to discuss their work in the context of editorial craft and new communication platforms that allow greater fluidity in the way information is received and understood. These newfound skills can be used in both the professional realm or in more personal activities such as self-publishing.
Who is this short course for?
It is for anyone from across a broad spectrum of editorial practice with a desire to improve editorial design skills that put them at the forefront of current practice. It is for those who have a basic understanding or advanced abilities, but who nevertheless feel a need to improve, develop or expand their horizons or unlock hidden potential. It can also help those intending to embark on MA level studies.
2, 9, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24 & 30 May 2023
For more information go to rca.ac.uk/study/programme-finder/editorial-design/
The Graphic Novel: Visual Storytelling
Tutor: Professor Andrzej Klimowski and Miguel Angel Valdivia.

A live online short course that encourages participants to unleash their imagination and master new methods of self-expression via visual storytelling, under the expert guidance of RCA tutor Professor Andrzej Klimowski and Miguel Angel Valdivia.
Human beings love to hear stories, read books and watch films. Some of us like to recall autobiographical incidents, reflect upon memories, gossip or simply chat. But to create a narrative that can engage a wide audience, we soon become aware of the importance of form. A narrative must have structure; it has to be built. Composition, tone, colour, pacing and tempo are the things we have to engage with. This course offers a fresh approach to the subject and aims at releasing the imagination and opening the opportunity for self-expression.
Who is this short course for?
The course is aimed at students, practitioners and enthusiasts who wish to further their skills in creating picture-driven stories that can lead to the making of original graphic novels. It can also help those intending to embark on MA level studies or professionals seeking to discover alternative ways to expand their working method
3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24 & 26 July 2023
For more information and booking go to rca.ac.uk/study/programme-finder/the-graphic-novel/
Tutors: Adrian Shaughnessy and Jack Llewellyn

This online short course encourages participants to expand their typographic expertise in an open and experimental environment, under the expert guidance of RCA tutors.
Typography is part science and part art. A failure to understand this can result in mediocre typographic expression, or worse, miscommunication. This course aims to acquaint participants with the core principles of typography (the science) and inspire typographic expression (the art).
In this intensive learning and working environment, participants are given the practical and theoretical support needed to develop their own typographic practice. Participants are encouraged to acquaint themselves with RCA's pedagogical philosophy.
Who is this short course for?
This is a course for anyone with a basic grounding in typography. It is not for novices. It is for graphic design students and professionals, or anyone actively involved in any field of visual communication requiring the use of typography. It can also help those intending to embark on MA level studies.
5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26 & 28 June 2023
For more information and booking go to rca.ac.uk/study/programme-finder/typography/
RCA Short Courses reflect the college’s unique learning experience with small class sizes, rich interaction between students and academics, enhanced peer-to-peer networking and a certificate of achievement.