Ec (h) ologies of Pathos; Staging a Crisis
The emergence of pathos in a work of art I consider a form of ‘punctum’ to use Roland Barthes’ term, a punctuation in the study of an image or series of images. For this practice-led research I focus on visual somatic punctuations that defy locality and cognition, re- cognising a synaptic sense of ‘elsewhere’,
Placing artistic attunement as essential resource on a traumatic reality, shifting methodological resources deems crucial as a model, in order to get attuned with the complex poetic force of crisis.
Encounter with the consciousness of a state of pathos gives form to corporeal signals that however (in)visible or (in) audible, they dynamically call for participation and action, allowing a democratic imaginary to emerge. The way participation takes place, of the artist, brings forth a plurality of poetic inventions ; echoes of a score a living organism creates, in its effort to remain present and alive.