The Mythical Hystory of Kyng Midas and Hys Gylden Inseckt
The myth of the Cut (an allegory of creation, whose offshoots lead to the birth of King Midas) unfolds the making of the world, via a play of morphology in language, and The Stew and the Slew (an ironical tale told in fragments by the fictional Quintillius Quintillian), together with an array of visual works referencing historical art forms, make up the pieces of Midas' history, a kind of labyrinth, hall of mirrors, puzzle or a game, whose doublings, forks, twists and metamorphoses unfold the various axiologies and eschatologies, of a 'king' aiming towards 'gold', setting into play the problem of interpretation (in the work and in the world), the metaphorical nature of our understanding, and the relationship between sign/image and truth.
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BMus (Hons) Edinburgh University
Masters in Film and Video, University of East London
London Film Festival, New York Film Festival, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Tate Britain (Assembly), The Serpentine Gallery (Aleatory Colour), Whitechapel Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Art Barcelona, 25FPS, Alchemy Festival, San Fransisco Film Festival, Ann Arbor, Images Festival, Courtisane, Dresdner Schmalfilmtage, Aurora International Film Festival, Media City Festival, Ontario.