A compact, effective auto injector device for allergic emergencies.
An adrenaline auto-injector (AAI) is prescribed to people who are susceptible to severe allergies that puts them at risk of anaphylaxis. Despite medical advice to carry the injector on person at all times, user studies have shown that people do not carry them nearly as much as they should and that not receiving adrenaline for an anaphylactic reaction is the biggest common factor in fatalities.
Revive Innovations + is developing a lightweight, compact and stylish device which can be slipped effortlessly into a pocket or handbag and carried around unobtrusively, counteracting the identified problems of barrier to carriage: size, an obvious medical form and associated stigma.
Revive Innovations + was founded by Urshita Gautam, a 2019 Graduate of the RCA's Critical Writing in Art & Design Masters Programme and Abhisheik Kamal, a 2019 Graduate of the RCA's Design Products Masters Programme.