Dr Katie Gaudion
- Senior Research Associate
The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design
Katie is a designer whose work celebrates neuro-diversity and whose research explores how design can improve living environments for autistic adults.
Katie is a Design Researcher and has spent over 14 years working with neurodivergent people, who may have a unique way of thinking and experiencing the world. Her research largely investigates how design can improve the physical environment for autistic people. Katie develops tools that connect, communicate and engage with autistic people and their support network, to enable them to be active participants in the design research.
Katie is the first Research Associate to have completed a PhD by practice at the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design. The PhD explored how autistic adults with additional learning difficulties experience their home environment. Katie has since put her ideas into practice in a wide variety of contexts, such as supported living accommodation, workplaces, sensory environments, educational institutions, health clinics, and hospitals. Her work has been published and presented internationally.
Katie’s research has broadened the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design’s methods and practices to consider hidden disabilities and neurodiversity (such as autism and mental health) for the first time. Katie encourages designers to collaborate with neurodivergent people, whose unique ideas for innovation can be easily overlooked.
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Publications, exhibitions, other outcomes
Gaudion, K., Pellicano. (2016). The Triad of Strength:A strengths based approach for designing with autistic adults with additional learning disabilities, HCI International 2016 Conference, Toronto.
Gaudion, K. (2015) A designer’s Approach: Exploring how autistic adults with additional learning disabilities experience their home environment. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art, London.
Gaudion, K., Hall, A., Myerson, J. and Pellicano L. (2015) A Designer's Approach how Autistic Adults with Learning Disabilities can be Involved in the Design Process? CoDesign
Gaudion, K., Hall, A., Myerson, J. and Pellicano L. (2014) Design and Wellbeing: Bridging the Empathy Gap Between Neurotypical Designers and People with Autism. In Design for Sustainable Well-Being and Empowerment: Select Papers. Indian Institute of Science and TU Delft Joint Publication
Gaudion, K. (2013) Designing Everyday Activities: Living environments for adults with autism The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art. ISBN 978-1-907342-81-3
Gaudion, K. & McGinley, C. (2012) Green Spaces: Outdoor environments for adults with autism The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art. ISBN 978-1-907342-64-6
Gaudion, K. & Brand, A. (2012) Exploring Sensory Preferences: Living environments for adults with autism The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art. ISBN 978-1-907342-49-3
Gaudion, K. & Brand, A. (2012) Ready Steady Make: A guide to making sensory Props The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art
Gaudion, K. (2010) The Multi-Sensory Environment (MSE): Encouraging play and promoting well-being for all ages Cumulus conference, Shanghai
Keynotes and Presentations
Gaudion, K. (2016) The Triad of Strength:A strengths based approach for designing with autistic adults with additional learning disabilities, HCI International 2016 Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 2016
Gaudion, K., Brand, A. (2015) Sense-able: A design led approach to sensory profiling for autistic people. Autism and Good Practice in Design, The Royal College of Art, London, October 2015
Gaudion, K (2015) Bridging Empathy, Autism and Good Practice in Design, The Royal College of Art, London, October 2015
Gaudion, K. (2014) Autism and Aesthetics of the Everyday. Aesthetics and children/youth with special needs. Oslo school of Architecture & Design, Oslo, Norway
Gaudion, K. (2015) The Role of Design in Social Innovation. Conference: International Public Design Symposium. Korea Craft and Design Foundation, South Korea
Gaudion, K. (2012) Kent Challenging Behaviour Network Conference, Kent, September 2012
Gaudion, K. (2012) Touch Thinking Symposium, Northumbria University, London, July 2012
Gaudion, K. (2012) Feather and Toothbrush, Inspiring Matters Conference, London, April 2012
Gaudion, K. (2011) Neuroscience of Creativity Research Seminar, Royal College of Art, November 2011
Gaudion, K. (2011) Snoezelen Conference, Paris, October 2011
Gaudion, K. (2012) Include Conference, London, April 2011
Gaudion, K. (2011) Delft University of Technology, Holland, March 2011
Gaudion, K. (2010) The International Snoezelen Association Congress: Alabama USA, Oct 2010
Gaudion, K. (2010) The Cumulus 2010
Gaudion, K. (2010) Conference: Shanghai, China, Sept 2010
Gaudion, K. (2010) DARE Summer School: Beijing, China, Sept 2010
Gaudion, K. (2009) The Plastic Electronics Conference: Germany, Nov 2009
Gaudion, K. (2012) The International Snoezelen Symposium: Denmark, Oct 2009