Exploring meaningful and enjoyable mobility experiences and the value of sharing, driving and riding.
At a glance
- Identify and share positive experiences of mobility journeys, through journey shadowing and design provocations.
- Stimulate the discussion around the values of journeys and the relationship between placemaking and mobility design.
- Questions dehumanisation and monetisation of mobility.
- Studies the benefits to wellbeing of mobility experiences, driving and sharing.
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The challenge
Vehicle design is facing the challenge to shift its paradigms while the industry transforms towards new mobility. While services, autonomous, shared and electric mobility technologies will generate new aesthetic experiences, this research investigates values and meaningful mobility experiences found today, to inform future designs.
Our approach
The project used journey shadowing and interviews, art and design provocation, and public outreach to capture and study people's perceptions about journeys.
Intentionally focused on unusual territory for MaaS, the project initially looked at some of the most enjoyable mobility experiences in rural locations with older people. Journey shadowing was undertaken with participants following different transport modes and rationales of regular journeys but without the constraints or pressures of commuting. It was clear the most Joyful Journeys involved connections with others and their environment. One of the videos was selected and used as provocation for a co-creation workshop and at the 2018 London Design Festival.
The project has continued pursuing joyful journeys in the everyday, at each stage reflecting on the issues raised by the initial research through publications and presentations on mobility and wellbeing, placemaking and sharing.
IMDC video exhibit at the London Design Festival.
Video Link:
The research produced a paper at EVER Monaco 2019, a presentation at 2019 MaaS Market conference.
Paper Link: researchonline.rca.ac.uk
A chapter in the book Design for Wellbeing - An Applied Approach (Routledge 2020).
Book link:
The project is currently looking at people's experiences with demand responsive travel, sharing and more recently, mobility experiences in the context of COVID-19. More videos will be produced and go online to share positive mobility experiences

Dr Artur Grisanti Mausbach
Senior Research Fellow
Artur Grisanti Mausbach is an architect and urban planner committed to design and architecture, practice, education and research.